The Beauty in Endings

Sunsets are proof that no matter what happens, every day can end beautifully.I wanted to take a moment to talk about endings. Endings, for some reason, typically have a negative connotation behind them. Today I ask you to challenge that thought, for all endings are is the birth of a new beginning.Take the sunset, for example, an ending to the day but at the same time an appearance of natural beauty and harmony. You could choose to be sad the day is over, knowing the moments created in it are gone, or you can choose to sit in gratitude from your experiences from the day (good or bad, lessons learned) at the beauty around you and get excited for the new day ahead.Next time something ends in your life; a job, a relationship, moving from a home, relocation, an era, don't sit in sadness. Instead, show gratitude for what it brought into your life during that time and prepare yourself for the gift of a new beginning ahead.Are you looking for a new beginning in your life? Continue exploring my website Here you can explore my one on one coaching opportunities, view my Universe Oracle Card Deck, and check out my Sunrise Journal.


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